Constitution and Rules |
1. Title |
The Monmouthshire Bowling Association hereafter referred to as the Association. |
2. Objectives |
(a) |
To foster, promote and regulate the level green game of Bowls for Male Bowlers. |
(b) |
To adopt and enforce the laws as laid down by the International Bowling Board. |
(c) |
To hold Inter-County and other matches. |
(d) |
To organise competitions annually in Singles, Pairs, Triples, Fours, Club Cup and League Championships. |
(e) |
To interpret, when called upon by affiliated clubs or memebers thereof, difficult or doubtful questions of law and practice affecting the game, and to arbitrate in any difference between affiliated clubs which may properly be referred to, the Association. |
3. Membership |
3.1 |
Membership of the Association shall be open to all bowling clubs who's bowling green complies with the standard required by the Welsh Bowling Association |
3.2 |
All clubs must be affiliated to the Association, who will allocate the clubs to a District Association to which the clubs must also become affiliated. Any club wishing to transfer to another District Association within the Association will first make written application to the Executive Committee. |
3.3 |
The Association may elect Honorary Vice-Presidents with power to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Association, but shall not be entitled to vote. |
3.4 |
The Association shall have the power to elect as Life Members those whose service to the Association entitles them to this distinction. These nominations to be submitted to the Honorary Secretary in writing. An elected panel of the President and three longest serving Executive members, reserve the right to recommend or otherwise, the nomination to the Executive Committee for the Annual or Special General Committee. A Life Member together with the Past Presdients of the Association shall be entitled to attend the Annual General, Special and Management meetings of the Association and vote there at. |
4. Subscriptions |
The amount of subscriptions to be paid in each year shall be fixed at the Annual General Meeting, and must be paid not later than 31st May, a late payment fee of £25.00 will be levied on any club that fails to pay their fees by this date: any club then in default shall forfeit any right and privileges of membership as long as the subscription remains unpaid. |
5. Meetings |
The Annual General Meeting shall be held on a date fixed by the Management Committee each year, and Special General Meetings shall be convened as and when required. Each club may be represented at such meetings by two delegates, (but only one vote per club will be permitted), appointed for the purpose and each District Association by one delegate who shall also be entitled to vote at the meetings. Twenty Five shall form a quorum. |
6. Officers |
At the Annual General Meeting in each year the Association shall elect a Patron, President, Senior Vice President, Junior Vice President, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Competition Secretary, Honorary League Secretary, Match Secretary and an Auditor: nominations in respect of the foregoing, other than the Patron, shall be sent to the Honorary Secretary before the commencement of the Management Meeting prior to the Annual General Meeting, and nominations for the office of President, Senior and Junior Vice-Presidents shall be restricted to those who have served on the Management Committee of the Association for at least three years. |
7. Management Committee |
The Officers appointed in accordance with the foregoing rule together with the Patron, one representative from each affiliated club and one representative from each District Association shall form a Management Committee. The Patron, President, Treasurer, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Competition Secretary, Honorary League Secretary and Match Secretary shall be ex-officio members of all Committees and Sub Committees, with the exception of the Selection Committee and shall be entitled to vote there at. |
8. Executive Committee |
At the Annual General Meeting of the Association shall elect an Executive Committee consisting of the Officers, one member, (with the name of deputy) from each affiliated Association, and such representatives of the Association serving on the Council of the Welsh Bowling Association. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for controlling the affairs of the Association as required by the Management Committee. |
9. Selection Committee |
The Association shall appoint a Team Manager to be responsible for the Championship team, Under 25 team and the Under 16 team; this appointment shall run for 3 years. This appointment shall be selected by the Association Executive Committtee. |
The Association shall appoint a Team manager to be responsible for the Over 60 Championship team; this appointment shall run for 3 years. This appointment shall be selected by the Association Executive Committee. |
The Association shall appoint 3 selectors to assist the Championship Team Manager. The association shall appoint an the Over 60 Team Manager who will be eligible for playing in Championship games and 2 selectors to assist the Over 60 Team Manager who will not be eligible play in championship games and shall be selected by the Management Committee at the Annual General Meeting of the Association. |
The County Friendly Matches will be selected by the President, Senior Vice President, Junior Vice President and Match Secretary |
10. Honorary Treasurer |
The Honorary Treasurer shall keep the books of accounts of the Association and at the Annual General Meeting he shall present an account of the Income and Expenditure for the financial year to the 30th September immediately preceding the Annual General Meeting, together with a balance sheet of the financial position of t he Association at the date duly certified by the elected Auditor. A copy of the audited balance sheet and accounts of the Association shall be sent to each affiliated club and District Association and other persons entitled to receive the same, not less than ten days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting. |
11. Honorary Secretary |
The Honorary Secretary shall be responsible for keeping a record of all business transacted at any meeting in connection with the Association: and at the Annual General Meeting he shall submit a report of the activities of the Association during the previous year. |
12. League Secretary |
The Honorary League Secretary shall be responsible for running the Association Leagues and arranging County matches, and at the Annual General Meeting he shall submit a report of the league activities of the Association during the previous year. |
13. Match Secretary |
The Match Secretary shall be responsible for organising and overseeing the County match programme. |
14. Competition Secretary |
The Competition Secretary shall be responsible for arranging and organising the Association County Competitions, and at the Annual General Meeting he shall submit a report of the competitions of the Association during the previous year. |
15. Alteration of Rules |
No alteration of the constitution of rules, or any addition thereof, shall be made except at the Annual General Meeting of the Association. |
16. Notice of Motion |
Notice of Motion shall be in the hands of the Honorary Secretary before the commencement of the Management Meeting prior to the Annual General Meeting. |
17. Badge players |
(a) |
Only players who have played six or more games for the Association are entitled to wear the Association Blazer badge. Minimum qualification period three playing seasons. |
(b) |
Only players who have played in four or more County Championship Games are entitled to wear the Badge And Championship Scroll. |
(c) |
Only players who have played in six or more Over 60 County Association Championship games are entitled to wear the Association Badge and the (Senior) Championship Scroll. |
(d) |
Being selected for the whole competition in the Welsh Bowling Association Under 25 Double Rink Tournament counts for one game towards your County Badge. |
General Competition Rules |
1. General |
1 |
The Monmouthshire Bowling Association will hold annually the following competitions for male players |
1.1 |
Club Competitions |
1.2 |
Singles, Pairs, Triples and Fours Competitions |
1.3 |
All Open, Over 60s Pairs, Triples and Fours to be played over 18 ends. (BIBC / WBA Oct 2022) |
2. Dual Club Membership |
2.1 |
In the event of dual club membership, every competitor is allowed to enter National Competitions (i.e. Carruthers shield and W.B.A. Competitions) only from the club to which he is affiliated, and by notifying the club that he is opting for such a Tournament play in the one named club. He will only be allowed to play in our Association if the club to which he plays his National Competitions from, is a member of our Association. |
2.2 |
If a club has to disband, their players should contact the MBA secretary in writing to transfer to another club or if a player wants to change club for a valued or specific reason, each application will be vetted by a sub committee and individually decided on by its merits.
(Passed AGM 2016) |
3. Club Cup and League Competitions |
3.1 |
All clubs must play in the County Cup and Monmouthshire league competitions unless given permission by the Executive Committee |
3.2 |
All matches shall be played in regulation dress. |
3.3 |
Matches to be decided by all rinks playing 21 ends. Association Cup and Inter Association matches, to be decided by all rinks playing 18 ends. However a match may be deemed completed after playing a minimum of 90 ends (6 rinks) 60 ends (4 rinks) and 45 ends (3 rinks). All completed ends to be counted. |
3.4 |
The Association requires clubs to regard the date allocated as the official date on which the match should be played. It offers no objection to any 2 clubs mutually agreeing to a suitable date prior to the official date. |
3.5 |
The visiting club must inform the home club 4 days before the date of the match of their arrival. |
3.6 |
Immediately after each match both teams must advise the League Secretary of the result by either email or telephone. |
3.7 |
In the cup competition the 1st round draw will be announced prior to the commencement of the season, all subsequent draws will be made 3 days after the preceding round. The semi finals shall be played on a suitable neutral green. |
3.8 |
League clubs to be in divisions with 2 clubs promoted and relegated each season |
3.9 |
Match results to be decided on a points system; League Matches; Team win - 6 points, Draw - 3 points, Each rink win- 2 points, Drawn rink- 1point Maximum total - 14 points, (4rinks) 12 points, (3 rinks) Inter Association Matches Team win 10 points, Draw - 5points, Each rink win- 2 points Draw- 1point Maximum total - 22 points M.B.A. Cup Matches, Overall Total Shots, (no points) If at the end of the season, 2 or more clubs have the same number of points, the club with the best net score against opponents, who have played all their matches shall be declared the winner |
3.10 |
Each league club must fulfil all the fixtures with the clubs in their division. |
3.11 |
All M.B.A. league matches must be programmed to be completed by the first weekend of September. No extension to this date to be allowed |
4. Cancelled or Postponed Matches |
4.1 |
All cancelled games must be played prior to, or within 3 weeks of the original date. |
4.2 |
In the event of a postponement through inclement weather or Carruthers Shield, an alternative date shall be agreed within 7 days. |
4.3 |
Any cancellation, other than for the reasons stated in rule 4.2, the offending side shall forfeit 6 points, these will be awarded to the non defaulting side. The game must be replayed when only the rink points will be played for i.e. 8points for a 4 rink game and 6points for a 3 rink game. |
4.4 |
Clubs who have to postpone their league match in order to play a Carruthers Shield match must give their opponents at least 5 days notice of postponement and at the same time, offer alternative dates for the re-arranged match. |
4.5 |
If, within 7 days of the original scheduled date for the match, the 2 clubs fail to agree date between them, then BOTH clubs will submit their reasons in writing to the League Secretary. The HOME club to nominate at least 3 suggested dates for the match to be played. |
4.6 |
The League Secretary will attempt to arrange the match based on the dates supplied. If no agreement can be reached, then the League Secretary will inform the Disciplinary Committee, and their decision, which could possibly involve allocation of points, be relayed to the involved clubs. |
4.7 |
Should any club default on 2 or more occasions within any season, then their place in the league next season will be discussed by the Disciplinary Committee at the end of the season. |
4.8 |
All clubs will have the right of appeal to the Executive Committee against decisions of the Disciplinary Committee, The decision of the Executive Committee shall be final. |
4.9 |
Match cards for games not played must be completed and returned to the League Secretary. |
4.10 |
All matches to be decided by all rinks playing 21 ends, however a match my be deemed completed after a minimum of 90 ends (6 rinks) 60 ends (4 rinks) 45 ends (3 rinks) |
4.11 |
4.11.1 |
The league is to be known as the G.B.L. and consist of 2 divisions, of 3 rink leagues. |
4.11.2 |
The object of the leagues is to promote and foster competitive bowls for players not selected for their club first team |
4.11.3 |
It is the aim that all matches will be played on a Saturday |
4.11.4 |
Should it be necessary to select first team players due to a shortage of names, these players are to play out of normal position, i.e. players who normally play 1st or 2nd for the first team, can play 3rd or 4th in the G.B.L. similarly players who play 3rd or 4th for the first team can play 1st or 2nd for the G.B.L. |
4.11.5 |
The winning clubs shall hold the respective league shields for one year. |
4.11.6 |
These rules are governed by a “Gentlemen’s Code of Conductâ€. Any flouting of the said rules will be acted upon by the Executive Committee with powers of expulsion from this competition |
4.11.7 |
The Leagues to be in divisions with 3 clubs promoted and relegated each year |
4.12 |
Each club to retain the score cards The game to continue with the scores as they were and playing the same way on the green (If possible) If any one player of an original rink is unavailable, a substitute will be allowed. Players should NOT however be transferred from one rink to another. The substitute to play in any position other than skip, the other players in that rink can rearrange their positions as necessary. |
5. Rules Governing Singles, Pairs, Triples and Fours Competitions |
5.1 |
Single competitions are open to all affiliated club members. In the event of a player changing clubs out of season and transferring his single matches to his new club, no entries for the handbook will be permitted after 31st of December. |
5.2 |
Pairs, Triples and Fours competitions are only open to a combination of competitors from the same club. |
5.3 |
All competitions shall be played in accordance with the notice, announcing the result of the draw. |
5.4 |
All singles will be for 21 shots, pairs and fours will be for 21 ends, and triples for 18 ends. |
5.5 |
At the conclusion of the first round played in the fours, triples and pairs competition, the score card with the names of all the players plus reserve must be forwarded to the Competition Secretary who will retain the cards for scrutiny when required, A reserve player may play in any position but must relinquish his position when the original player returns. |
5.6 |
The draw for each round will be printed in the handbook, and each competitor of any singles tournament drawing a home match must offer their opponents 2 dates on which the tie can be played. One of the dates must not be the closing date of the round. Saturday and Sundays are by mutual consent only. |
5.7 |
All pairs, triples and fours tournaments are scheduled on specific dates; these dates are printed in the handbook and must be adhered to. Games however may be played prior to that printed by mutual consent only. Games will normally commence at 6.00pm but may be changed by mutual consent. |
5.8 |
Any opponent who refuses to play on the dates offered or fails to appear on the date agreed will be struck out of the competition |
5.9 |
The winner of the competition must advise the Competition Secretary of the result not later than 2 days after the match has been played. |
5.10 |
The semi-finals and final will be played on a date and “green†selected by the Executive Committee |
5.11 |
Players must ensure they are available to play on all the fixed dates prior to entering the competitions |
5.12 |
Should player(s) give a “walkover†in any but the very first round to be played, i.e. preliminary round (if any) or round 1, without a reason acceptable to the Executive Committee, then his/their entry(ies) for the following years competitions will be reviewed by the Executive Committee. |
5.13 |
Should “home†player(s) fail to notify their opponents that their green is unfit for play – when it is known in advance of the day of play – then his/their entry (ies) for the following years competitions will be reviewed by the Executive Committee. |
6. Mobile Telephones |
No mobile telephones are to be used by players or officials on or in the confines of the green whilst in any authorised games. Failure to comply may incur disciplinary action |
7. Disciplinary sub-committee |
A Disciplinary Sub- Committee will be formed consisting of a minimum 3 senior officers, who shall be empowered to adjudicate upon any disputes referred to if arising between or among affiliated clubs or any members thereof, as to the meaning and interpretation of the laws of the game, or complaint which it shall hold to be within its jurisdiction. The subject of reference or appeal must be stated in writing to the Hon Secretary who shall call either an Executive meeting which will deal with the matter, or postpone its consideration until the next ordinary meeting of the Executive Committee. Parties may be heard on each side, and the decision of the Executive Committee SHALL BE FINAL |
Code of Dress |
1. County Matches |
All players selected to play for the Association must arrive in regulation dress, of blazer, County tie (where qualified), grey trousers and white shirt. |
2 |
No player shall be given, or shall be entitled to wear the Association official tie, blazer badge or respective chevrons unless he has: |
a. Tie - Represented the Association in one match |
b. Blazer badge and respective chevrons – represented Association in the required number of matches |
3 |
It is essential that all players selected to play in representative County games shall wear the recognised regulation attire. They must turn up to the match wearing a County tie, dark blazer with County pocket badge (if qualified), grey trousers and white shirt. The wearing of County polo shirts will only be allowed in County Championship, and Over 60 County Championship games, along with white trousers including white belt, white socks and white headgear (if worn). In County Friendly games a white shirts with a stiff collar will be worn along with County tie, white trousers including white belt, white socks and white headgear (if worn) After the game players must revert to the recognised attire i.e. County tie, dark blazer with County pocket badge (if qualified) grey trousers and white shirt. No denim trousers will be allowed. International blazers may be worn. Pullover or cardigan (if worn) must be white and bowling shoes as World Bowls Laws of sport, Page 62 A.2 Footwear. Ties will only be discarded with the prior approval of the President. |
4 |
Waterproofs must be white |
2. County Competitions |
1 |
Early rounds – Grey trousers, brown or white shoes with white clothing (or County approved coloured shirts) above the waist. |
2 |
Semi – Finals Regulation County attire as item 3 above. Club ties must be worn and will only be discarded with the prior approval of the host Club Official or County Representative there present. Alternatively, County approved coloured may be worn. |
3. Carruthers / Association / County League Matches |
1 |
The correct bowling attire, as previously described, shall be worn at all Association and County League matches. |
2 |
County approved coloured shirts may be worn in League matches providing ALL players wear the same. In the case of certain League matches being played mid week, grey trousers with white (or County approved coloured shirts) above the waist shall be permitted. If the regulation attire is not worn for whatever reason, permission must first be obtained from the opposing captain. |
Code or Conduct for Players and Officials |
1. General |
1.1 |
The jurisdiction of the Association with regard to complaints under the Code of Conduct shall extend to ALL County Championship Matches, County Friendly Matches, County Competitions and all events organised under the auspices of the Association or the Welsh Bowling Association. |
1.2 |
For any conduct, which in the opinion of the Executive Committee is prejudicial to the interests of the Monmouthshire Bowling Association or the game, or which may bring the Monmouthshire Bowling Association, club or game into disrepute, the Executive Committee shall have the powers to deal with the matter as they see fit. |
1.3 |
Before the Executive Committee shall make a decision regarding a complaint under the Code of Conduct, the club or player against whom the allegations regarding conduct have been made shall have the right to attend a hearing at which the matter will be discussed. The Honorary Secretary shall give the Executive Committee and the club or player against whom the allegations have been made at least seven days written notice of the time and date of the hearing and of the allegations made against it or him. This hearing will be conducted in accordance with the agreed procedures of the Association. At such a meeting the club or player against whom the allegations are made shall have the opportunity of giving in person, orally or in writing, an explanation or defence. |
1.4 |
In all instances the decision of the Executive Committee shall be final. |
2. Acceptance |
2.1 |
Acceptance of the invitation to participate in County matches, Championship matches, Friendly matches or any other events organised by the Association, implies acceptance of this Code of Conduct. |
2.2 |
Players selected to play in matches organised by the Association, if unable to play must inform the Match Secretary immediately. Failure to do so may lead to disciplinary action being taken. |
3. Sanctions |
3.1 |
For any conduct which in the opinion of the Executive Committee is prejudicial to the interests of the Association or the game, or which may bring the Association, club, the game, or any players, administrators or officials into disrepute, the Executive Committee shall have the power to: |
(a) - reprimand fine or suspend from membership of the Association any club. |
(b) - reprimand or suspend any player of an affiliated club. |
Any suspension of a club or player shall be for a period as the Executive Committee considers appropriate |
3.2 |
(a) - Any player suspended shall not be eligible for selection in any club or other team games, or be allowed to play in any tournaments under the jurisdiction of the Association. |
(b) - Any member of a suspended club shall not be allowed to play in any games, matches or Tournaments which are subject to the jurisdiction of the Association. |
3.3 |
In the event of a member of the Executive Committee being a representative of either the accused, or accusing club or of a club of whose members is involved in the matter, the subject of enquiry, then such representative shall withdraw from any meetings at which said the matters being discussed. |
3.4 |
Any appeal against such decisions taken by the Executive Committee shall be addressed in writing to the Honorary Secretary of the Association within seven days of notification of such decision. He shall then be responsible for the appeal to be considered by the Officers or the appropriate Committee. |
4. Drug or Alcohol Abuse |
If any player is considered unfit to play at the time he may be ordered to leave the green and forbidden to participate in the intended game or competition. Such action shall be notified to the Executive Committee who shall have the power to decide if disciplinary action may be taken Against the player. |
5. Bringing the game into disrepute |
Any player or official who, by his standard of behaviour, is liable to bring the name of the game into disrepute shall render himself liable for disciplinary action by the Executive Committee. Such behaviour shall include abuse of opponents and other players, officials and spectators, abusive Language and abuse of equipment. |
6. County Instructions |
Any specific instructions issued by the Association will be deemed part of This Code of Conduct. The ignoring of such instructions shall make the person liable to disciplinary action as described in this Code of Conduct. |